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Family Sessions

Family Sessions

Families have busy schedules and do not always have time to do things together. Here is your opportunity to exercise as a family. After an evaluation is conducted we identify objectives for each family member and we create a program that is fun, challenging and dynamic!

It is a great way to have fun, spend quality time with your kids and increase your fitness level.

Warm up
We’ll ease you into the program with a light warm up to stretch your muscles

Strength training & cardiovascular conditioning
We will work on your strength and elevate your heart rate while doing challenging circuits and fun exercises

Cool down
We’ll end the session by lowering your heart rate while doing some stretching and practicing some mindfulness exercises

You and your kids will:

✔ Increase your cardiovascular fitness
✔ Increase your strength
✔ Develop your core strength and stability
✔ Increase your flexibility and your balance
✔ Better your body image and confidence
✔ Integrate some breathing techniques to center your mind
✔ Develop and improve your eye-hand coordination
✔ Learn about fitness, mindfulness and healthy eating habits
✔ Increase your knowledge about fitness, mindfulness and healthy eating habits