Home Rates


Program: Family Sessions


Program: MINI-FIT

Program: MINI-FIT

Length of Session: 45 minutes

Group Buddy Individual
1 session / week 25$ 30$ 40$
2 sessions or more /week 20$ 25$ 30$

• Groups consist of 3 to 8 children working together towards similar goals.

• Buddy sessions consist of 2 children working together.

• Each session starts with a warm up and ends with a cool down followed by a short debriefing on the skills developed and on the overall experience for each child.

Program: ACTIV-FIT

Program: ACTIV-FIT

Length of Session: 60 minutes

Group Buddy Individual
1 session / week 25$ 40$ 50$
2 sessions or more /week 20$ 30$ 40$

• Groups consist of 3 to 10 children working together towards similar goals.

• Buddy sessions consist of 2 children working together.

• Each session starts with a warm up and ends with a cool down followed by a short debriefing on the skills developed and on the overall experience for each child.

Program: ADO-FIT

Program: ADO-FIT

Length of Session: 75 minutes

Group Buddy Individual
1 session / week 30$ 50$ 55$
2 sessions or more /week 25$ 40$ 45$

• Groups consist of 3 to 10 teens working together towards similar goals.

• Buddy sessions consist of 2 teens working together.

• Each session starts with a warm up and ends with a cool down followed by a short debriefing on the skills developed and on the overall experience for each teen.

Program: ADULT-FIT

Program: ADULT-FIT

Length of Session: 90 minutes

Group Buddy Individual
1 session / week 30$ 60$ 70$
2 sessions or more /week 25$ 50$ 60$

• Groups consist of 3 to 10 individuals working together towards similar goals.

• Buddy sessions consist of 2 individuals working together.

• Each session starts with a warm up and ends with a cool down followed by a short debriefing on the skills developed and on the overall experience for each individual.

- Prices are per person, per session.

- Sessions are paid once the service has been given.

- Rates are subject to change.