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Programs for children and preteens
(5 to 12 y.o.)

For kids who are new to exercise and those who desire to increase their fitness level

MINI-FIT: for children aged 5 to 8 years old

ACTIV-FIT: for children aged 9 to 12 years old

Programs for teens and adults

For the individuals who want to learn the fundamentals of fitness while increasing their strength and endurance

ADO-FIT: for teens aged 13 to 15 years old

ADULT-FIT: for teens (16 years old +) and adults

Programs for children and teens with specific needs

The exercise program is the tool to work on behavior and emotional issues


Top 10 reasons

why youth should exercise:

1. Kids who exercise are more likely to keep exercising as an adult.
2. Exercise helps kids achieve and maintain a healthy body weight.
3. Regular physical activity helps build and maintain strong, healthy muscles, bones and joints.
4. Exercise aids in the development of important interpersonal skills.
5. Exercise improves the quantity and quality of sleep.
6. Exercise promotes improved school attendance and enhances academic performance.
7. Kids who exercise have greater self-esteem and better self-images.
8. Participating in regular physical activity prevents or delays the development of many chronic diseases (e.g., heart disease, diabetes, obesity, hypertension) and promotes health
9. Children who are active report fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression and a better overall mood.
10. Exercise helps improve motor coordination and enhances the development of various motor performance skills.
Retrieved March 3rd 2015, from: http://www.acefitness.org/updateable/update_display.aspx?pageID=638

Mindful exercise

Practicing mindfulness means we are living in the moment and paying attention, on purpose, to each action we are doing when we are doing them. Are you exercising mindfully?



Most people neglect warming up before exercising and avoid stretching at the conclusion of their workout.
They mention lacking time or feeling too tired to do it.


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